Rainforest Foundation US - Typography and Printed Materials Project

Brochure and poster design for Rainforest Foundation US. This project focuses on typography and graphic imagery.


Rainforest Foundation US Brochure

Rainforest Foundation US is an environmental group that works to combat climate change and the deforestation of the rainforest by providing the indigenous people who live there the tools they need to survive and protect their land. I created a 4-panel double gate fold brochure and a promotional poster for this group that is meant to provide a call-to-action and help spread awareness for their cause.

Rainforest Foundation US Brochure Front & Back

To the right is the inside gate fold panels which contain images of the rainforest both before and after deforestation and logging of the area. The imagery is meant to show how the beauty of the rainforest is being destroyed and spark a desire in the viewer to help stop this deforestation.

To the left are the front and back covers of the brochure. The front images are of indigenous people who live in the rainforest and are affected by the deforestation of it. The back panel details what Rainforest Foundation US does and how to get more information about it.

Rainforest Foundation US Brochure Gate Fold

Rainforest Foundation US Brochure Inside

Above are the 4 inside panels of the brochure which contain 10 steps an average person can take to help combat deforestation and save the rainforest. Providing information about how you specifically can help is important in an awareness brochure and is meant to get the reader acting.

Rainforest Foundation US Outreach Poster

This is an awareness poster for the Rainforest Foundation US. I took statistics from the foundation’s website about deforestation and the effect indigenous people have on protecting the rainforest and used the words to create the outline of an indigenous person with a traditional headdress on.


Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart

